I’ve just uploaded new version of To-Read sites extension into Opera Extensions portal.
By now extension is awaiting moderation and it should be available after 1st of January.
New version brings:
- Sites synchronization which enables you share sites between many browsers. I used Opera Link JS Api (thanks Joel) to synchronize sites so all you need is My Opera account.
- Turkish translation (thanks to Samet from operaturkiye.net).
All we need is to wait for moderation to be complete :)
Find To-Read sites on Opera Extensions portal.
I’ve just updated To-Read Sites to 3.0 version.
The new release brings export and import feature. Now you can easily save your sites to a file and move it to another Opera instance.
To use the new feature right-click on To-Read Sites extension button and go to “preferences”.
You can download the new version here: https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensions/details/to-read-sites/.
Enjoy :)
I’ve just updated To-Read sites Opera extension removing an annoying bug (site is not being deleted from list) and making visual improvements:
- I changed badge color, because it was annoying for some of you.
- Sites list haven’t been centered (it looked odd) – it looks fine now.
New version will be available on http://addons.opera.com shortly.
Many of this extension users asked me about syncing – it’s in plans. But I really have no time to do it now, but I hope I will finish that soon, please be patient :-).